If you want to faithfully commit to partnering with AFC, then click the button above to access our secure recurring giving platform. We thank you for your consistent financial gift that will bless generations to come.

You can use PayPal to make a donation of any amount to the ministry of Apostolic Faith Church by using the link above.
Click the icon above to give with the Givelify App!
See Your Giving In Action!

Get Started with TEXT2GIVE 3 quick steps!
Send your first giving text message with “Keyword” space and “amount” to 28950
Example: to give your tithe of $100:
“AFCT 100” to 28950
The first time you send your giving text, you will receive a response text with a link to register your payment details.
Tap the link, enter your information, and the credit or debit card you’d like to use for all future gifts.
You only need to register your account one time!